Heap sort in C

                                              To compile and execute the program, copy the code into a text file. Save the text file with the extinction .c (ex. program.c). Save your file in turboc2 or borland (it may your othe c-compiler). Now open you IDE (tc.exe) , goto file->pick file. Your source file will be loaded into IDE. Now you can compile and run the file easily.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define uint unsigned int

typedef int (*compare_func)(int, int);

void heap_sort(int This[], compare_func func_pointer, uint len)
/* heap sort */

uint half;
uint parents;

if (len <= 1)

half = len >> 1;
for (parents = half; parents >= 1; --parents)
int tmp;
int level = 0;
uint child;

child = parents;
/* bottom-up downheap */

/* leaf-search for largest child path */
while (child <= half)
child += child;
if ((child < len) &&
((*func_pointer)(This[child], This[child - 1]) > 0))
/* bottom-up-search for rotation point */
tmp = This[parents - 1];
for (;;)
if (parents == child)
if ((*func_pointer)(tmp, This[child - 1]) <= 0)
child >>= 1;
/* rotate nodes from parents to rotation point */
for (;level > 0; --level)
This[(child >> level) - 1] =
This[(child >> (level - 1)) - 1];
This[child - 1] = tmp;

int tmp;
int level = 0;
uint child;

/* move max element to back of array */
tmp = This[len];
This[len] = This[0];
This[0] = tmp;

child = parents = 1;
half = len >> 1;

/* bottom-up downheap */

/* leaf-search for largest child path */
while (child <= half)
child += child;
if ((child < len) &&
((*func_pointer)(This[child], This[child - 1]) > 0))
/* bottom-up-search for rotation point */
for (;;)
if (parents == child)
if ((*func_pointer)(tmp, This[child - 1]) <= 0)
child >>= 1;
/* rotate nodes from parents to rotation point */
for (;level > 0; --level)
This[(child >> level) - 1] =
This[(child >> (level - 1)) - 1];
This[child - 1] = tmp;
} while (--len >= 1);

#define ARRAY_SIZE 250000

int my_array[ARRAY_SIZE];

void init()
int indx;

for (indx=0; indx < ARRAY_SIZE; ++indx)
my_array[indx] = rand();

int cmpfun(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
return 1;
else if (a < b)
return -1;
return 0;

int main()
int indx;


heap_sort(my_array, cmpfun, ARRAY_SIZE);

for (indx=1; indx < ARRAY_SIZE; ++indx)
if (my_array[indx - 1] > my_array[indx])
printf("bad sort\n");



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