15 Types Of Meta tags you must know

What is meta tag? It is a special HTML tag that provides information about a Web page. Unlike normal HTML tags, meta tags do not affect how the page is displayed. Instead, they provide information such as who created the page, how often it is updated, what the page is about, and which keywords represent the page's content. Many search engines use this information when building their indices. Here is a list of the most common used meta tags in the following page.

15 Types Of Mega tags you must know

Where we have to put meta tags?

You must put your meta tags in head section of the html page.

Meta tags list:

<meta name="description" content="website description here">

Your website description

<meta name="keywords" content="your keywords here">

Most used words in your website undefinedfor search engine indexing)

Most search engines allow around 10 keywords

<meta name="language" content="english">

The language your website is in

<meta name="author" content="Aravind">

The name of the website creator

<meta name="email" content="buddhaaravind@gmail.com">

Your email address

<meta name="copyright" content="© 2008-2010 techaravind">

Copyright information

<meta name="robots" content="NOFOLLOW">

Controls search engine robots on a per-page basis

NOINDEX = prevents anything on the page from being indexed

NOFOLLOW = prevents the crawler from following the links

on the page and indexing the linked pages

NOIMAGEINDEX = prevents the images on the page from

being indexed but the text on the page

can still be indexed

NOIMAGECLICK = prevents the use of links directly to the

images, instead there will only be a link

to the page

<meta name="revisit-after" content="30 days">

Tells the search engines when to re-index your site

<meta name="expires" content="May 25, 2009">

The date your website will expire undefinedsearch engines

will stop indexing your site after this date)

<meta name="rating" content="general">

The rating of your website's content

undefinedGeneral; Mature; Restricted; 14 Years)

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

the content type of your website

undefinedthis tag should always be used)

<meta http-equiv="Window-target" content="_top">

Specifies the named window of the current page; can be used

to stop a page appearing in a frame with many browsers

_blank = always opens a new window

_self = opens in the current window

_top = the uppermost window available

_parent = the window immediately above the current window

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">

Specifies the action of cache agents. Possible values:

Public = may be cached in public shared caches

Private = may only be cached in private cache

no-cache = may not be cached

no-store = may be cached but not archived

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">

Specifies a delay in seconds before the browser

automatically reloads the web page

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=http://techaravind.blogspot.com">

Redirects the user to the specified website

after a specified amount of time

<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true">

Prevents Internet Explorer 6 from turning certain words or phrases

on your page into links that go to an advertisers website

Information Systems And Organizational Behavior-MCA 1.2.5

MCA 1.2.5 Information Systems And Organizational Behavior(Model  Paper )

First Question is Compulsory
Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs.       Max. Marks: 70

1. a.  Explain briefly the principles of communication.

b.   Briefly explain the principal methods of conflict resolution.

c. Describe in brief the elements of management in action.

d. Define MIS. Indicate its significance.

e. Distinguish between physical structure and the conceptual structure of an

information system.

2. What are the characteristics of a good manager?

3. Discuss the basic organizational relationships created by the process of


4. Discuss Management by objectives as a device of motivation.

5. Discuss the different leadership styles in management.

6. What are the characteristics that should be borne in mind while designing a


7. a.  What are the physical components of an Information system? Explain.

b.   Explain the major processing functions in Information systems.

8. What do you manage the information resources to different application areas

in an organization?

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First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs.                                                Max. Marks: 70

1. Discuss the following

a)   Conversion rules and casts in C++

b) Static and Const member functions

c)  Template Parameters

d) Copy Constructor

2. a)  Outline the underlying concepts of Object Oriented programming

b)  Write a class description for complex numbers. Write methods for

addition and subtraction.

3.   a)  What are the function calling mechanisms supported by C++.

               Explain them with examples

b)   Outline with a suitable C++ program, the concept of two classes

       having a common friend function.


4 .   a)   What are the types of Inheritances?

b)   Discuss the concept of constructors under inheritance using

      relevant examples.


5 .   a)   What is dynamic binding? Outline this concept through a virtual


b) Explain with an example how to overload postfix(++) operator


6.      a)   What are the different types of  containers supported by C++

                    standard library.

b)   Discuss how the file I/O is handled in C++


7.      a)   Discuss the exception handling mechanism in C++

               b)   Using templates, write a generic version of bubble sort, complete

                     with assertion. Use a random number generator to generate test


8. With a relevant example, explain the design of a project using UML.

Viglink.com easy money making from your blog

Have you heard about the Affiliate marketing concept? If not, it’s just a marketing practice in which a business (websites) pay you for any visitor or customer you send to them.  It means we are just like a mediator and we will bring customers to shop and the shop owner will pay some money to us.

Viglink.com easy money making from your blog

What Viglink.com do?

 VigLink is a content monetization company that makes affiliate marketing very easy for bloggers.This viglink makes the process of affiliate marketing easier. If you are blogging about products or services and actually influencing your readers to buy and use them, you can be really making money out of that. Viglink helps you easily turn your links to affiliate links of products and services and so within minutes you will be practicing affiliate marketing. 

                                              Its lot easier as you don’t need to worry about joining proper channels and manually doing the codes and everything.(amazon is the one of the best affiliate market but the problem is we need to choose proper code for proper channel.)  With some lines of code you can start making money out of affiliate marketing at viglink.


What should I do now?

Now what all you need to do is just signup in viglinks here and They offer a simple snippet of code you can install in your blog that automatically and transparently does all the work for you. We’ve catalogued and signed up for more than 12,500 affiliate programs and we collect all the performance information and deliver you a single integrated payment. In return, VigLink takes 25% of the incremental revenue you earn.

How to install in my blog

Follow the steps to install the code into your blog.

1)Open your blogger dashboard, log in, and click "Design".

Viglink.com easy money making from your blog

2)Under the design tab, make sure you're on the "Page Elements" page.

3)From the gadget list, under "basics", select the HTML/JavaScript gadget.

4)Copy this VigLink code to your clipboard:

5)Back on Blogger's HTML/JavaScript gadget page, paste the VigLink code under "content". (Leave the title empty.) Click "save".

6))Thats it. If you want to see if you have installed the code properly you can use the viglinks Installation checker by entering your blog URL.

Feel free to comment about this post. Thank you!



First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70

1. Explain the following terms.

a. Dangling – Else ambiguity.

b. Coercion.

c. Activation record.

d. Dangling pointers.

e. Constructors.

f. In-Line functions.

g. Recursive functions.

h. Quoting in Lisp.

i. Cut predicate in PROLOG.

j. Rendezvous in Ada.

2. a. Discuss the evolution of programming languages.

b. The following is a set of BNF rules for real numbers where R stands for Real

number, I stands for Integer, F for fraction, D for digit

<R> ::= <I>.<F>

<I> ::= <D>|<I><D>

<F> ::= <D>|<D><F>

<D> ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9

Using the above grammar give a left most derivation of the string 2.89 and draw tree

snapshots corresponding to the above derivation.

3. a. Discuss syntax directed control flow.

b. Dew flow diagram for the following program fragment.



If E then exit end;



4. a. With suitable examples explain type equivalence

b Explain Static and dynamic scope roles.

5. a. With a suitable example explain the concept of inheritance in Object Oriented


b. Explain Virtual functions in C++.

6. a. Explain the rules for expression evaluation in functional programming.

b. Explain control mechanism in PROLOG.

7. a. Discuss concurrent tasks in Ada.

b. Explain how semaphores can be used to achieve mutual exclusion.

8. Explain the following

a. Early and late binding.

b. Information hiding.


MCA 1.2.2 DATA STRUCTURES. (Model Paper)

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs.                                               Max. Marks: 70

1. a) What is the difference in function between BALR and USING instructions?

b) Explain Allocation. c) Define Macro Instruction.

d) Differentiate in between pass and phase. e) Define Linkage Editor.

f) Define Compiler. g) Explain the importance of LESA.

g) Differentiate in between simple RELOCATABLE and complex

RELOCATABLE address constants.

i) Differentiate in between open subroutine and closed subroutine.

j) Explain the importance of RLD cards.

2. a) Explain the role of Base Register.

b) Explain the role of Index Register.

c) Differentiate in between USING and DROP PSEUDO op codes.

3. a) Give the design of single pass assembler.

b) Can we write an ALP without using USING OP CODE? How?

what are the limitations.

4 .a) Give the design of single pass macro processor.

b) Explain the design of macro processor which can handle macro definitions

within macros.

5. a) Give the design part of Assembler corresponding to LTORG pseudo op code.

b) Give the design of Assembler corresponding to Extended MNEUMONICS. c)

Will the following divide 10 by 2? Justify.

L3,=f’ 10’


ST3, 700

6. a) Give the design of absolute loader.

b) Explain about Direct Linking Loader.

7. a) Explain BSS loader.

b) At what point in time of each of the following loading schemes perform binding?

i. DLL, ii. BSS loader, iii. Dynamic binder.

iv. Dynamic linking loader, v. Overlay, vi. Editor

8. a) Explain Lexical Analysis in detail

b) Differentiate between TDP & BUP

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