All About Key-loggers You Must Know

What are this keyloggers? what should we do if your system got infected by keyloggers? Is it keyloggers are good things or bad things? How to remove keyloggers from your system? Is there any different kinds of keyloggers out there? why keyloggers invented? These are all questions in my mind about keyloggers i studied and did some research about keyloggers for a long time now iam going to share those things with you. so keep reading.

What are keyloggers?

Keylogger is a software program or hardware device that is used to monitor and log each of the keys a user types into a computer keyboard.

Whats wrong with them?

Keyloggers are extremely dangerous and can be used to steal personal information such as your social security number, credit card number, and passwords to just about everything. This may lead to identity theft. Keyloggers are especially dangerous to anyone who uses online banking or online cash sites such as PayPal for a large amount of money.

Good thing about keyloggers

Keyloggers, as a surveillance tool, are often used by employers to ensure employees use work computers for business purposes only.

How keylogger programs work?

A keylogger is a program that runs in the background, recording all the keystrokes. Once keystrokes are logged, they are hidden in the machine for later retrieval, or shipped raw to the attacker. The attacker then peruses them carefully in the hopes of either finding passwords, or possibly other useful information that could be used to compromise the system or be used in a social engineering attack. For example, a keylogger will reveal the contents of all e-mail composed by the user. Keylogger is commonly included in rootkits.

             A keylogger normally consists of two files: a DLL which does all the work and an EXE which loads the DLL and sets the hook. Therefore when you deploy the hooker on a system, two such files must be present in the same directory.

            There are other approaches to capturing info about what you are doing.Some keyloggers capture screens, rather than keystrokes. Other keyloggers will secretly turn on video or audio recorders, and transmit what they capture over your internet connection.

          A keyloggers might be as simple as an exe and a dll that are placed on a machine and invoked at boot via an entry in the registry.

Hardware based keyloggers

Hardware-based keyloggers do not depend upon any software being installed as they exist at a hardware level in a computer system. we connect this device with keyboard in hardware panel that attached with key bored wire.

Software based keyloggers

These are programs work on target system. we don't need any physical interaction with target system.These are classified in 5 types.


2)Kernel based


4)Form Grabber based

5)Packet analyzers

What to do if i got infected with keyloggers?

When you suspect that you are infected with a keylogger, do NOT type any personal information. Even if you are typing in a normal word document, the keylogger still keeps track of everything you type.

If you desperately need to login to your   Email or somewhere secure and password protected, there is one way to get around the keylogger.

Click on Start -> Go to All Programs -> Click on Accessories -> Select Accessibility ->Click on On-Screen Keyboard

                           Executing the above steps opens a keyboard on your screen so that you can click whatever letter you would like to type. Since a keylogger does not track where and what you click, this helps you to get around it in times of urgency. Typing with the on-screen keylogger is a great hassle. The only alternative is to eradicate the keylogger program completely from the computer.

How to remove keyloggers from your system?

Detecting a keylogger is not simple. It can be installed in over a 100 places on your computer, usually located in one of the system files. However, there is a much easier way to detect if a keylogger is running or not. Right click on your desktop’s task bar and click on Task Manager. Alternatively you can press Ctrl + Alt + Del simultaneously to open the Task Manager. Task Manager displays a list of all the applications currently executing on the computer. Click the tab that says Processes. This gives you information about all the programs, hidden and visible that your computer is currently running. If you got any unwanted process is running then click on end process on that particular  processor.

               Most of the keyloggers programs can be detected my pressing Ctrl + Alt+shift and try all functions key for f1 to f12 along.

This information is only for study porous. don't misuse this information. If your have any comments please feel free to comment. Thank you.



First Question is Compulsory                                                            Time: 3 Hrs.Max.

Answer any four from the remaining                                                    Marks: 100

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.                

1. Answer the following

a) Write the elements of the set P(P(P(f))) where P(A) denotes the power set of the set A and f denotes the empty set.

b) Give an example of a relation that is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.

c) How many ways can 12 people have their birthdays in different calendar months?

d) Find the number of divisors of 400.

e) Write the characteristic equation of Sk-7Sk-2+6Sk-3=0.

f) Write the adjacency matrix of the following digraph.


g) Draw all possible binary trees with three nodes.

2. a) Check whether ((P? Q)? R)?((P? Q)?(P? R)) is a tautology.

b) How many positive integers less than 1,000,000 have sum of their digits equal to 19?

3. a) Find the number of integer solutions to the equation

x1 + x2 +x3 + x4 + x5 = 20 where x1 = 3, x2 = 2, x3 = 4. x4 = 6 and x5 = 0.

b) A simple code is made by permuting the letters of the alphabet of 26 letters with every letter being replaced by a distinct letter. How many different codes can be made in this way?

4. a) Find the number of ways of placing 20 similar balls into 6 numbered boxes so that the first box contains any number of balls between 1 and 5 inclusive and the other 5 boxes must contain 2 or more balls each.

b) Solve an - 6an-1+12an-2 - 8an-3 - 0 by generating functions for n = 3.

5. a) Find the transitive closure of the digraph whose adjacency matrix is

0 1 0 0


0 0 1 0


1 0 0 1

b) Build a binary search tree for the words : banana, peach, apple, pear, coconut, mango, papaya, orange, strawberry, pineapple, guava, pomegranate and grape using alphabetical order.

6. a) Write Kruskal's algorithm for finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph

b) Find the minimum spanning tree of the graph given by the adjacency matrix

0 1 0 0


1 0 1 0


0 1 0 1

7. a) Describe the steps involved in simplifying a logical expression that is in sum of products form using Quine -McCluskey method.

b) Use the Quine-McClusley method to simplify the sum-of-products expansion:

wxyz'+ wx'yz + wx'yz'+ w'xyz + w'x'yz + w'xy'z + w'x'y'z

8. a) Construct a finite state machine that determines whether the input string has a 1 in the last position and a 0 in the third to the last position read so far.

b) Construct a Turing Machine that recognizes the set { 0n1n | n = 1 }


Time: Three hours

Maximum: 75 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

First Questions is compulsory.

It comprises of seven sub-questions.

Each of the remaining questions carries 15 marks.


a. Define ordered pairs. Give examples for a relation which is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric.

b. What is tautology? What is absurding?

c. Define a lattice and give examples.

d. How many integers between 1 and 1000 have sum of digits equal to 7.

e. Define bipartite graph.

f. What is Dual graph and Chromatic number of a path graph.

g. Define a finite state machine.

2. a. Show that if (A B) C = (A C) (B C)

b. For the poset (I15:/) draw a poset diagram and determine all maximal and minimal elements and greatest and least elements, if exists.

3. Show that in Boolean Algebra

i. (a+b)' = a' + b'

b. (a.b) + [(a+b)' . b ]' = 1


a. Obtain the principal disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms of ( P -> (Q R )) [ ~ P -> (~Q R ))

b. Show that: [(p q) ~ (~p (~q ~r))) (~p ~q) (~p ~r) is a tautology.


a. In how many ways can 30 distinguishable books be distributed among 3 people A,B and C so that

i. A and B together receive exactly twice as many books as C

ii. c receives at least 2 books; B receive at least twice as many books as C and A receive at least 3 times as many books as B.

b. Solve the recurrence relation: an - 7an-1 + 10an-2 = 0 for n => 2


a. Show that the following graphs are isomorphic:

b. Differentiate between Eulerian path, Hamiltonian Path and Spanning tree.


a. Find the minimal spanning tree of the following graph

b. Prove that a tree with n vertices has exactly (n-1) edges.


a. Write the differences between Mealey and Moore machines.

b. Define a sequential machine. Let s be any state in a sequential machine and x and y be any words, then prove that (s,xy) = (s,x), y) and (s,xy) = ( (s,x),y)


Time: Three hours

Maximum: 75 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

First Questions is compulsory.

It comprises of seven sub-questions.

Each of the remaining questions carries 15 marks.


a. In a complemented distributive lattice show that (a*b)' = a' b'

b. Show that ((P Q) ( P ( Q R))) ( P Q) ( P R) is a tautology

c. How many proper subsets of {1,2,3,4,5} contain the numbers 1 and 5?

d. Write the characteristic equation of the recurrence relation D(k) - 8D(k-1) + 16D(k-z) = 0 where D(2) = 16, D(3) = 80

e. Show that in any graph the sum of the degrees of all the vertices is always even.

f. Define a cut point of a graph and illustrate with an example.

g. Show that every finite semigroup has an idempotent.


a. Show that in a lattice if a < = b and c < = d then a*c < = b*d

b. In any Boolean algebra, show that a < = b = > a + bc = b(a+c)


a. Obtain the sum of the products canonical from of the Boolean Expression (x1 x2)' (x1' * x3)

b. Prove that (A B) (A ~B) = A and A (~A B) = A B where A,B are any two sets.


a. Let T = {1,2,3,4,5}. How many subsets of T have less than 4 elements?

b. Show that ( x) M (x) follows logically from the premises (x)(H(x) -> M(x)) and ( x) H (x)


a. List all possible functions from X = {a,b,c} to Y = {0,1} and indicate in each case whether the function is one-to-one, is onto and is one-to-one onto.

b. Obtain simplified Boolean expression for the equivalent expression m0 + m1 + m2 + m3 where 'mj's are the minterms in the variables x1, x2, x3 and x4.

6. Design a parity-check machine which is to read a sequence of 0's and 1's from an input tape. The machine is to output a 1 if the input tape contains an even number of 1's or 0 otherwise.


a. Prove that there is a unique path between any pair of vertices in a tree and coverage.

b. Prove that in any tree there are at least two pendant vertices


a. Prove that every circuit has an even number edges on common with any cut-set.

b. Explain Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest path between any pair of vertices in a graph.



Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Represent the number (+ 46.5) as a floating point binary number with 24 bits. The

normalized fraction mantissa has 16 bits and exponent has 8 bits.

b) Simplify the Boolean function F together with the don’t care condition d in product of

sums form

F (w,x,y,z) = (0,1,2,3,7,8,10)

d (w,x,y,z) = (5,6,11,15)

2. a) What is full adder ? Design a full adder circuit by constructing truth table.

b) What is excitation table .Explain about JK flip flop with its excitation table.

3. a) With a block diagram of associative memory explain in detail about hardware


b) Explain briefly about memory hierarchy.

4. a) Explain different instruction formats in detail.

b) Explain in detail about the generation of physical address.

5. a) Explain about data manipulation instructions with examples.

b) Explain about shift instructions in detail.

6. a) List and explain different conditional branch instructions.

b) Write any two examples for external interrupts and internal interrupts

7. a) What is control memory. Explain micro programmed control organization.

b) Explain difference between hard wired control and micro programmed control.

Is it possible to have a hardwired control associated with a control unit?

8. a) Discuss asynchronous data transfer in detail.

b) Explain DMA transfer in a computer system.

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Discuss with truth tables about all logic gates with their graphical symbols.

b) Explain the design procedure for binary counter.

2. a) Design 3-to-8 decoder circuit and also construct its truth table.

b) Discuss bidirectional shift register with parallel load.

3. a) What is the significance of using complement. Explain in detail (r-1)’s

complement and r’s complement with an example.

b) Derive the circuits for 3-bit parity generator and 4-bit parity checker using an odd


4. a) Discuss in detail about arithmetic micro operations in detail.

b) Explain about arithmetic logic shift unit.

5. a) Explain flowchart for the hardware algorithm for add and subtract operations.

b) Explain multiplication of floating point numbers.

6. a) Explain different addressing modes.

b) Differentiate Micro programmed control Vs Hardwired control

7. a) How memory is connected to CPU .Explain.

b) What is virtual memory? Give relation between address and memory space in Virtual

memory system.

8. a) Explain communication with I/O versus memory bus.

b) Explain asynchronous data transfer



Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1.a)Write the various steps involved in executing a C program and illustrate it with a help of


b)Explain various data types defined in C

2 a) Describe various loops defined in C

b) How are initial values written in a one-dimensional array definition? Must the entire

array be initialized? What value is automatically assigned to those array elements not

explicitly initialized?

3 a) Describe different types of user defined functions

b)Write a function which takes a square matrix and then returns 1 if it is a “symmetric

matrix”. Otherwise returns zero. Also, write main program to check the function

4. a)What is a pointer? How do use pointer variable in expression? Explain through


b) Describe dynamic memory management functions

5. a)Describe structures types defined in C? How a structure is different from a Union

b) Define a structure type struct ABS, that contains name, age, designation, and salary.

Using this structure, write a C program to read this information for one person from the

keyboard and print the same on the screen.

6. a) What is a searching? Write a C program to Binary Search method

b) Explain Quick sort method with suitable example

7.Write an algorithm to insert an element in the linked list at the following positions:

(a) in the beginning of a list

(b) after a specified element

(c) before a specified element

(d) at the end of a list

8. Write in detail about the following

(a) Depth first search of a graph

(b) Minimum spanning tree


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Find the conjunctive normal form and disjunctive normal forms for

i) p (p¢Úq¢)

ii) (pÚq¢)® q

b) Determine the contra positive of the each statement

i) If john is a poet, then he is poor.

ii) Only if Marc studies well he pass the test

2. a) Express the following statements using quantifiers. Then construct the

negation of the statement

i) Every bird can fly

ii) Some birds can talk

b) Prove that if n is an integer and n3+5 is odd then n is even.

3. Let R be a binary relation on the set of all positive integers such that

R = { (a,b)/ a-b is an add positive integer}

Is R Reflexive? Symmetric? Antisymmtric? Transitive? An equivalence

relation? A partial ordering relation?

4. a) let (A, *) be a semi group. Show that, for a, b, c in A, if a*c=c*a and

b*c=c*b, then (a*b)*c = c* (a*b)

b) Let f and g be homomorphism from a group (G, +) to a group (H,*). Show

that (C,+) is a subgroup of (G,+), where C={ xÎ G\ f(x)=g(x)}

5. a) Find the sum of all four digit numbers that can be obtained by using (without

repetition) the digits 2, 3,5 and 7.

b) Enumerate the number of ways of placing 20 indistinguishable balls in to 5 boxes

where each box is non empty.

6. a) Solve the recurrence relation tn = 4(tn-1 – tn-2 ) subject to initial condition

tn=1 for n=0 and n=1

b) What is an nth order linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant

coefficients? Give examples

7. a) What are the necessary and sufficient conditions to specify that two

graphs are isomorphic. Explain with an example.

b) Briefly explain Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees.

8. Give example for each of the following

i)Graph having Euler’s circuit

ii)Graph having Hamiltonian circuit


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks


a) Prove (P-> Q)<=>(~PVQ)

b) Translate each of the following into symbols using quantifiers, variables and predicate


i) All birds can fly

ii) Some babies are illogical

2 a) Prove that (A-B)-C= (A-C)-(B-C)

b) Let L denote the relation <= , D denote the relation “divides” (1) where xDy means x divides y.

Both L and D are defined on the set {1,2,3,6}.

Write L and D as sets and find L ^ D

3 a) A man has 5 female friends and his wife has 7 female friends. In how many ways can they

invite 6 males and 6 females if husband and wife are to invite 6 friends each.

b) In how many ways can two A’s are together but not two R’s of the word “ARRANGE”

4. Solve the recurrence relation T(k)-7T(k-1)+10T(k-2)=k2+1 and T(0)=4, T(1)=17.

5. a) Construct a graph on 12 vertices with 2 of them having degree 1,

three having degree 3 and the remaining seven having degree 10.

b) How many vertices does a regular graph of degree 4 with 10 edges have?

6 a) Show that if G is a simple planar graph with | V| 11, then the complement of G is non


b) Let G be a connected simple planar graph containing n vertices and m edges in which every

region show that m<= k(n-2)/ k-2.

7 a) Write briefly about binary trees.

b) Draw the BFS tree for the following graph.

techaravind discreet maths question paper

8 a) Prove that every circuit has an even number of edges in common with any cut set.

b) Explain Prim’s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree with an example


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks


 a) Write the truth table for the following preposition.

(pÚq)Ù(~pÚq) Ù(pÚ~q)Ù( ~pÚ~q)

b) Show that the negation of p q is logically equivalent to pÙ~q

2. a) Obtain the principal of disjunctive and conjunctive normal forms of the following


pÚ(~p (qÚ(~q r)))

b) Express the statements with quantifiers and logical connectives “ X can speak Marathi”. “X

knows the computer language C”

3. a) Prove that A relation R on A is symmetric if and only if R=R-1

b) Draw the Hasse diagram for the partial ordering {(A,B): A£B} on the power set

P(S) where S= {a,b,c}

4. a) Let (S,*) be a semi group and (Ss,o) be a semi group where Ss is the set of all

functions from S to S. Then, prove that there exists a homo morphism f:S Ss

b) Prove that a homomorphism f from (G,*) onto (G¢, o) with the kernel K is an

isomorphism if and only if K={e}

5. a) Two pair die are rolled. What is the probability that sum of the numbers on the die is


b) In how many ways can we select 5 balls from 6 red, 6 green and 8 purple?

6. Solve the recurrence relation for the initial conditions

an= -2nan-1 + 3n(n-1)an-2, a0=1,a1=2

7. a) Use BFS to find a spanning tree for the graph

techaravind discreet maths maths paper

b) Determine whether the graphs G and G’ are isomorphic.

techaravind discreet maths paper

8. a) What is a chromatic number of a cycle and a tree? Find t he chromatic number of

the “wheel “given below

techaravind dms paper

b) Show that a connected graph is Eulerian if and only if it has no vertices of odd degree.



Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks


(a) correct the following sentences.

i. Neither of the sisters are good at singing.

ii. He ordered for three cups of coffee.

iii. Look at the flock of bees around the hive.

iv. Of all the children, Suma is closer to her father.

(b) Write two sentences each making use of these patterns

i. Subject + Verb + Complement

ii. Subject + Verb + I.O + D.O

(c) Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms

i. Most snakes ________(lay) eggs, but the python ________(give) with to young


ii. Rajiv_______(have) two children, who _______(go) to an English medium


iii. Swetha______(has) played tennis for the last the two hours.

iv When the principal_____(go) into the classroom, he________(see) the teacher

correcting test papers. The students _______(study) for the next day’s test.


(a) Write about Non-Verbal communication.

(b) Bring out the differences between formal and informal ways of conversations.


(a) Write the Synonyms of the following.

i. Concise

ii. Benign

iii. Adamant

iv. Tedious

(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable words

i. Can you _________ how this electric pump works.

ii. Could you ____________ the child’s shoe laces please.

iii. They worry a lot __________ you.

iv The _________ in temperature will affect all life on the planet.

(c) Write a paragraph on “A stitch in times saves nine”.


(a) Discuss the features of video conferencing.

(b) What are the expected qualities of a chair person?


(a) Discuss the types of interviews.

(b) Give the ways to deal with open and loaded questions.


(a) Discuss the problem of stage fright. Suggest some measures to overcome it.

(b) Write down the advantages of written communication over oral communication.


(a) Write a letter to a Railway company, complaining that your furniture has been damaged

in transit, and claiming damages.

(b) What are the advantages of e correspondence?

VIII Write short notes on

(a) Types of Report.

(b) Components of Report


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

I a) Correct the following sentences

i) The state of affairs were causing anxiety.

ii) I have an important work to do.

iii) I wish I was the king.

iv) The picture was hanged on the wall.

b) Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms

i) I ___________ (buy) a new bicycle last week.

ii) This paper _____________(appear) twice weekly.

iii) I __________(study) English for five years.

iv) I __________(see) Rahim at the zoo.

c) Make two sentences on each of the patterns

i) Subject + Verb + Direct Object

ii) Subject + Verb + That Clause

d) Explain the following idioms and phrases. Use in your own sentences.

i) To eat humble pie

ii) Look down

iii) Put out

iv) Turn a deaf ear to.

II a) What are the competencies required for Verbal Communication?

b) What are the elements of Non Verbal Communication?

III a) Explain the meaning of the roots:

i) Intra-

ii) Mega


iv) Poly

b) Give one word substitutes of the following

i) A Coin collector

ii) Belief in one God

iii) A beginner in an art or occupation

iv) Government in the hands of one ruler

c) Write the antonyms of the following

i) Benevolent

 ii)P Vulnerable

iii) Deny

iv) Safe

d) Fill in the blanks with suitable words

i) Modern science has made __________ advance.

a) incredible b) illegible c) legitimate d) objective          [ ]

ii) I saw a ________ of sheep in the field.

a) group b) fleet c) flock d) herd                                  [ ]

iii) A _______ man will never stoop to meanness.

a) sensible b) bad c) cunning d)insane                          [ ]

iv) Many classes of animals have become ________ because of rapid


a) Dead b) unavailable c) extinct d) lost.                      [ ]


a) What are the forms of oral presentation?

b) Bring out the differences between oral and written presentation


a) Write some of the pre-interview preparation techniques

b) Discuss the type of interview questions


a) Discuss the features of effective writing skills

b) Write a paragraph on watching television does more harm than good to viewers


a) Write a letter to the manager of the bank where you hold an account, asking for a

statement of accounts for the last three months?

b) Discuss the advantages of e-correspondence?

VIII Write short notes on:

i) Technical Report Writing

 ii) Synopsis


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any Five Questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. What are the basic Accounting Concepts? Explain the debit and credit principles.

2. Is it necessary to prepare the Trail Balance before preparing the Financial Statements?

Why the trail balance will not agree? Explain the reasons.

3. What is leverage ratio? How do you understand financial leverage through debt-equity


4. The credit purchase of a company is Rs. 2, 00,000. The amount payable to the creditors

at the beginning and end of the year is Rs.42, 500 and Rs. 57,500respectively. Determine

the creditors turnover ratio and creditors payment period.

5. How do differentiate the Financial Accounting from Cost Accounting and Management


6. What is Standard Costing? Explain various types of Material variances.

7. Find out break-even point from the following:

(a) Fixed cost Rs. 20,000 variable cost Rs.2 per unit, selling price Rs.4 per unit

(b) Sales Rs.6, 000 variable cost Rs.3, 600 picture cost Rs .2, 000.

(c) Sales Rs.4, 000 variable cost Rs.2, 400 profit Rs.400.

8. From the following particulars determine funds from operation:


Net loss 10,000

Depreciation on machinery 15,000

Amortisation of good will 10,000

Loss on sale of plant 5,000

Profit on sale of land 8,000

Provision for bad debts 1,000


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. Explain “Funds from operation”, How it is computed?

2. What is the difference between profit Maximization and Wealth Maximization?

3. Differentiate the Master files and Transaction files?

4. What is Double entry system? How it is different from the single entry system? Explain

the advantages in Double Entry system over Single Entry system.

5. Explain the role of accountant in modern organization. What are accounting conventions

are to be followed while preparing the Final Accounts?

6. What are the elements of costs? Explain the terms with appropriate examples.

7. (a) The Fixed cost for the year is Rs.40, 000. Variable cost per unit for the single product

being made is Rs.2. Each unit sells at Rs.10.You are required to calculate the break -even


(b) It has been found that Rs.80, 000 will be the likely sales turnover for the next budget

period. The cost and the selling price remain the same. Calculate the estimated


(c) A profit target of Rs.30, 000 has been budgeted. Calculate the turn over required

8. Find out break-even point from the following:

(a) Fixed cost Rs.20, 000 variable cost Rs.2 per unit, selling price Rs.4 per unit.

(b) Sales Rs.6000 variable cost Rs.3, 600 picture cost Rs.2, 000.

(c) Sales Rs.4000 variable cost Rs.2, 400 profit Rs.400.

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. What is the Double entry system? How it is different from the single entry system?

Explain the advantages in Double Entry system over Single Entry system.

2. Explain the role of accountant in modern organization. What are the accounting

conventions are to be followed while preparing the Final Accountants.

3. What are the elements of costs? Explain the terms with appropriate examples.

4. What is the difference between Trail Balance and Balance Sheet?

5. What are the various stages of Accounting Process? Explain various basic Accounting

Concept which effect the Double Entry System.

6. What is Standard Costing? How you calculate Material Variances

7. From the following particulars determine funds from operation:


Net Loss 10,000

Depreciation on machinery 15,000

Amortization of good will 10,000

Loss on sale of plant 5,000

Profit on sale of land 8,000

Provision for bad debts 1,000

8. From the following particulars ,find out the new selling price per unit if B.E.P. is to be

brought down to 9,000 units

Variable cost per unit = Rs.125

Fixed expenses = Rs.2, 70,000

Selling price per unit = Rs .150


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. (a) State and Prove the Bayes Theorem.
(b) A and B enter into a bet according to which ‘A’ will get Rs.200 if it rains on that day
and will lose Rs.100 if it does not rain. The probability of raining on that day is 0.7.
What is mathematical expectation of A?

2. (a) Define Binomial distribution and derive the first four moments of a binomial
(b) The diameter of an electric cable is assume to be a continuous variate with P.d.f.
f(x) = 6x(1-x),
0 x 1. Verify that the above is P.d.f. also find the mean and variance

3. Define a normal Random Variable & derive the properties of normal distribution

4. (a) Derive the Characteristic function of a Poisson distribution
(b) State & prove the Central limit theorem

5. (a) Define a Student ‘t’. Explain the t-test for single mean .
(b) A sample of 400 male students is found to have a mean height of 171.38 cms . Can it
Reasonably regarded as a sample from a large population with mean height 171.17 cms
and standard deviation 3.30 cms?(use 5% level of significance)

6. (a)Explain the F-test for equality of population variances.
(b)Elapsed times for a synthetic job were measured on two different computer systems.
The sample sizes for the two cases were 15 each and the sample means and sample
Variances were computed to be
x =104 seconds y=114 seconds
Sx2 =290 Sy2=510
Test the hypothesis that the population means μx=μy, against the alternative μx < μy.

7. (a) Explain the principle of Least-Squares.
(b) Fit a Second degree curve for the following data
X : 2 3 4 5 6 7
Y: 5 9 18 26 35 50

8. (a)Explain the role of P-charts in statistical quality control
(b) Explain the characteristics of M/M/1 model

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. (a) If the probability that a communication system will have high fidelity is 0.91 and the

probability that it will have high fidelity and selectivity is 0.17. What is the probability

that a system with high fidelity will also have high selectivity?

(b) State and prove Bayes theorem.

2. (a) A continuous random variable has the probability density function

Determine (i) k (ii) Mean (iii) Variance

(b) Find the mean and variance of the uniform probability distribution

given by f(x)=1/n for x=1,2,3,…..n

3. (a) Find the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution.

(b) A random sample of size 100 is taken from an infinite population having mean 76

and variance 256. What is the probability that sample mean lies between 75 and 78.

4. (a) A normal population has a mean of 0.1 and standard deviation of 2.1. Find the

probability that mean of a sample of size 800 will be negative?

(b) A random sample of size 36 from a normal population has the mean 47.5 and standard

deviation 8.4. Doe this information support or refuse the claim that mean of the

population is 42.1.

5. (a) Describe the method of maximum likelihood for the estimation of unknown

parameters. State the important properties of maximum likelihood estimators.

(b) A coin is tossed 950 times and head turned up 180 times. Is the coin biased?

6. What is meant by (a) a test of null hypothesis? (b) Type I and type II errors (c) Explain

the terms one-tail and two-tail tests?

7. (a) In a random sample of 400 industrial accidents, it was found that 231 were due to

least unsafe working conditions. Construct a 99% confidence interval for the

corresponding proportion.

(b) Obtain a relation of the form y= a.b x for the following data by the method of least


x  2     3     4       5       6

y 8.4 15.1 33.1 65.2 127.4

8. (a) The following data pertain to the number of jobs per day and the central processing

unit time required.

No. of jobs  1  2  3  4  5

CPU time     2  5  4  9 10

Fit a straight line. Estimate the mean CPU time at x= 3.5

(b) Find the correlation coefficient of the following data

x 10 12 18 24 23 27

y 12 20 12 25 35 10


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Two aeroplanes bomb a target in succession. The probability of each correctly scoring

a hit is 0.3 and 0.2 respectively. The second will bomb only if the first misses the target.

Find the Probability that (i) target is hit (ii) both fails to score hits?

b) State and prove Baye’s theorem?

2. a) Define random variable, discrete probability distribution, continuous probability

distribution and Cumulative distribution?

b) A random variable X has the following probability function:

X 4 5 6 8

P(x) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2

Determine (i) Expectation (ii) Variance (iii) Standard Deviation?

3. a) Fit a Poisson distribution for the following data and calculate the expected frequencies?

x 0 1 2 3 4

f(x) 109 65 22 3 1

b)If the masses of 300 students are normally distributed with mean 68kgs and standard

deviation 3kgs, how many students have masses

(i) Greater than 72kg

(ii) Less than or equal to 64kg

(iii) Between 65 and 71kg inclusive?

4. a) A random sample of size 100 is taken from an infinite population having the mean =

76 and the variance 2 = 256. What is the probability that will be between 75 and 78?

b) The mean voltage of battery is 15 and S.D. is 0.2. Find the probability that four such

batteries connected in series will have a combined voltage of 60.8 or more volts?

5. a) Experience had shown that 20% of a manufactured product is of the top quality. In one

day’s production of 400 articles only 50 are of top quality. Test the hypothesis at 0.05


b) An ambulance service claims that it takes on the average less than 10 minutes to reach

its destination in emergency calls. A sample of 36 calls has a mean of 11 minutes and the

variance of 16 minutes. Test the significance at 0.05 level?

6. a) In one sample of 8 observations the sum of the squares of deviations of the sample

values from the sample mean was 84.4 and in the other sample of 10 observations it was

102.6. Test whether this difference is significant at 5% level?

b) Find the maximum difference that we can expect with probability 0.95 between the

means of samples of sizes 10 and 12 from a normal population if their standard

deviations are found to be 2 and 3 respectively?

7. a) Obtain the rank correlation coefficient for the following data

X 68 64 75 50 64 80 75 40 55 64

Y 62 58 68 45 81 60 68 48 50 70

b) Consider the following data on the number of hours which 10 persons studied for a test

and their scores on the test:

Hours Studied(x)   4   9 10 14   4  7  12 22  1 17

Test Score (y)     31 58 65 73 37 44 60 91 21 84

8. What is meant by Statistical Quality Control? The following data provides the values of

sample mean and the Range R for ten samples of size 5 each. Calculate the values for

central line and control limits for mean-chart and range-chart, and determine whether the

process is in control.


No              1     2      3      4      5     6     7       8     9     10

Mean        11.2 11.8 10.8 11.6 11.0 9.6 10.4  9.6 10.6 10.0

Range (R)    7     4      8      5      7    4      8       4    7      9



Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Find the conjunctive normal form and disjunctive normal forms for

i) p (p¢Úq¢)

ii) (pÚq¢)® q

b) Determine the contra positive of the each statement

i) If john is a poet, then he is poor.

ii) Only if Marc studies well he pass the test

2. a) Express the following statements using quantifiers. Then construct the

negation of the statement

i) Every bird can fly

ii) Some birds can talk

b) Prove that if n is an integer and n3+5 is odd then n is even.

3. Let R be a binary relation on the set of all positive integers such that

R = { (a,b)/ a-b is an add positive integer}

Is R Reflexive? Symmetric? Antisymmtric? Transitive? An equivalence

relation? A partial ordering relation?

4. a) let (A, *) be a semi group. Show that, for a, b, c in A, if a*c=c*a and

b*c=c*b, then (a*b)*c = c* (a*b)

b) Let f and g be homomorphism from a group (G, +) to a group (H,*). Show

that (C,+) is a subgroup of (G,+), where C={ xÎ G\ f(x)=g(x)}

5. a) Find the sum of all four digit numbers that can be obtained by using (without

repetition) the digits 2, 3,5 and 7.

b) Enumerate the number of ways of placing 20 indistinguishable balls in to 5 boxes

where each box is non empty.

6. a) Solve the recurrence relation tn = 4(tn-1 – tn-2 ) subject to initial condition

tn=1 for n=0 and n=1

b) What is an nth order linear homogenous recurrence relation with constant

coefficients? Give examples

7. a) What are the necessary and sufficient conditions to specify that two

graphs are isomorphic. Explain with an example.

b) Briefly explain Prim’s algorithm for minimum spanning trees.

8. Give example for each of the following

i)Graph having Euler’s circuit

ii)Graph having Hamiltonian circuit



Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

1. a) Briefly discuss about Error detecting and Error correcting codes.

b) Compare Veitch Karnaugh Map method and four variable Karnaugh map


2. a) Briefly discuss Open drain and Tri state gates.

b) Explain synthesis of binary counters.

3. a) Explain about floating point division.

b) Explain about combinatorial circuit for multiplication.

4. a) Explain in detail about instruction set and instruction format.

b) Explain different addressing modes.

5. a) Explain the format of Micro instruction and also explain about fetch routine.

b) Explain design of control unit.

6. a) Explain design and performance of Cache memory system.

b) Explain how to enhance speed and capacity of memories.

7. a) Explain in detail about serial data communication.

b) Explain Client-Server computing using LAN.

8. a) Explain RISC pipeline with an example.

b) Explain about attached array processors.



First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs.

Max. Marks: 100

a) State the axioms of probability.

b) Explain confident intervals in estimation.

c) Explain the method of least squares.

d) Explain Principle of least square.

e) Explain Type I and II errors.

2. a) State and prove Baye’s formula on conditional probability.

b) We are given three urns as follows:

Urn A contains 3 red and 5 white marbles

Urn B contains 2 red and 1 white marble

Urn C contains 2 red and 2 white marbles.

An urn is selected at random and a marble is drawn from the urn. If the Marble is red, what is the probability that it came from urn A?

3. a) Define mathematical expectation of a random variable. Show that the expectations of the sum of two random variables is equal to the sum of their expectations.

b) Suppose that a pair of dice are tossed and let the random variable X denote the sum of the points. Find the expectation of X.

4. a) Define the mean to failure of a component. For aq series systems show that 0 ≤ E(X) ≤ min [E(Xc)].

b) Derive Markov inequality. Hence or otherwise state and prove Chebychev inequality.

5. a) Find the moment generating function about origin of the normal distribution.

b) Prove that a linear combination of normal variate is also a normal variate.

6. a) Derive normal equations to fit y = a + bx by the method of least squares.

b) Fit a least squares parabola having the form y = a + bx + cx-2 to the following data:

X: 1.2   1.8   3.1   4.9   5.7   7.1   8.6   9.8

Y: 4.5   5.9   7.0   7.8   7.2   6.8   4.5   2.7

7. a) Show that the correlation coefficient lies between x and y -1 and +1

b) Calculate the correlation coefficient between x and y for the following data.

X: 65   66   67   67   68   69   70  72

Y: 67   68   65   68   72   72   69  71

8. Arrivals at a telephone booth are considered to be Poisson with an average time of 12 min. between one arrival and the next. The length of a phone call is assumed to be distributed exponentially with mean 4 min.

a) Find the average number of persons waiting in the system.

b) What is the probability that a person arriving at the booth will have to wait in the queue?

c) What is the probability that it will take him more than 10 mm. altogether to wait for the phone and complete his call?

d) Estimates the fraction of the day when the phone will be in use.

e) The telephone department will install a second booth, when convinced that an arrival has to wait on the average for at least 3 min. for phone. By how much the flow of arrivals should increase in order to justify a second booth?

Note: please note that the following question papers from 2001 to 2004 old question paper model. The question paper modal  has been changed form 2004.


(Effective from the Admitted Batch of 2000-2001)

Time: Three hours

Maximum: 75 marks

Answer Question No. 1 and any other FOUR.

Answer each question at one place.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) If A and B are any events show that p (A u B) = p(A) + p(B) - p (A B).

(b) Write notes on correlation.

(c) State Baye's formula for conditional probability.

(d) Distinguish between large and small samples.

(e) Explain different transform methods and their utility.

2. (a) Define probability generating function. Derive the probability generating function of a geometric distribution.

(b) The joint density function of two continuous random variables X and Y is

f(X, Y) = {c x y, 0 < x < 4, 1 < y < 5 } {0 otherwise}

3.a. Explain Random variable, its expectation and variance for discrete case.

b. If f(x) = {1/2(x+1), -1 < x < 1}, {0 elsewhere} represents the density of a random variable X, find E(X) and Var (X).

4. (a) Define the mean time to failure of a component. For a series system show that

0 ≤ E (X) ≤ min [IF2 (XI )]

(b) Derive the Markov inequality. Hence or otherwise state and prove Chebychev inequality.

5. (a) Explain the chief characteristics of normal distribution and normal probability curve.

(b) Find the mean deviation from the mean for normal distribution.

6. (a) Explain the following:

i. Errors of first and second kind

ii. The best critical region

iii. Level of significance

iv. Simple and composite hypothesis.

(b) Suppose that n observations X1, X2 ... Xn are made from a Poisson distribution with unknown parameter X, find the maximum likelihood estimate of X.

7. (a) Derive the normal equations for fitting an equation of the form y = ax2 +bx +c.

(b) Fit a least square line of the form y = a + bx to the following data:

X 3 5 6 8 9 11

Y 2 3 4 6 5 8

8. (a) Show that the correlation coefficient is independent of origin and scale.

(b) A computer while calculating correlation coefficient between two variables X and Y from 25 pairs of observations obtained the following results

n = 25, σX = 125, σX2 = 650, σY = 100, σY2 = 460, σXY = 508.

It was however later discovered at the time of checking that he had copied down the pairs


8 12

6 18

Obtain the correct 6 8 value of correlation coefficient.



(Effective from the admitted batch of 2004 – 2005)

.Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

1. Explain the following briefly

a) Efficiency of algorithms

b) Program testing

c) Rules for defining variables

D) Scanf

e) go to statement

f) break statement

g) pointer in arrays

h) Recursion

i) malloc ()

j) Hash searching

2. a) Develop an algorithm to compute the sum of the first n terms of

the series

S = 1 - 3 + 5 - 7 + 9 .......................

Describe all intermediate steps

b) Design an algorithm that reads in a set of n single digits and

converts them into a single decimal integer. For example, the

algorithm should convert the set of 5 digits {2,7,4,9,3} to the

integer 27493.

3. a) Explain varous data types and type conversions

b) Explain output functions in C

4. Write a C program to print sin(x) series

5. a) What are the different types of parameters passing techniques?


b) Write a C program to check whether given number is armstrong

or not.

6. a) What are the various string handling functions in C

b) Write a C program to count number of words, number of lines

to a given text.

7. a) Explain the functions for file handling

b) How the Header files are helpful in C language

8. a) Write a C program to remove duplicates in an ordered array

b) Explain dynamic memory allocation.


(Effective from the admitted batch of 2004 – 2005)

Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

First question is compulsory.

Answer any FOUR from the remaining

Answer all part of any question at one place.

1. Answer the following.

a) Program.

b) Variable.

c) Type Conversion.

d) Library functions.

e) Break statement.

f) Structures.

g) Recursion.

h) Union.

i) Syntax of for loop.

j) Preprocessor directives.

2. (a)What is an algorithm? Explain about writing of algorithms and efficiency of algorithms.

(b) Write an algorithm to reverse a given number.

3. What is a data type? Describe different data types in C with examples.

4. Explain various forms of if, nested – if statements with examples.

5. Describe formatted and unformatted input and output statements in C.

6. (a) Define a function. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference.

(b) What is a pointer? How to declare pointers? Give example.

7. (a) Differentiate between structures and unions with example.

(b) Write a note on graphics in C.

8. (a) How functions can return more values? Explain with an example.

(b) Write a C program for Bubble sort.


Frist Year – First Semester

First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Answer all parts of any question at one place.

1. (a) What is a program.verification ?

(b) What are the properties of an algorithm ?

(c) Explain the use of comma operater.

(d) What is the output of the following statement if’Count’value is

279. printf (“ %5.2f “,count);

(e) Explain the difference between break and continue


(f) What are bitwise operaters ? Give meaning of each operator

with an example.

(g) Explain how pointers are useful to represent arrays.

(h) Explain void pointers,

(i) What is dynamic memory allocation ?

(j) What is Hash searching ?

2. (a) Explain the efficiency of algorithms.

(b) Write an algorithm for reversing a given number.

3. (a)Explain priority of operaters and their clubbing,

(b) What are the rules for defining variables ? Explain how variables

are declared and initialized.

4. Write a ‘C’ program to find the number of occurences of a word in the given text.

5. (a) Explain storage classes.

(b) Explain the differences between call by value and call by reference.

6. Define a structure call cricket that will describe the following information. Player name. Team name. Batting average.

Using cricket, declare an array player with 50 elements and write a program to read the information about all the 50 players and print a team- wise list containing names of players with their batting average.

7. (a) Explain random file accessing functions in C.

(b) Explain Command Line arguments.

8. (a) Write a program for removal of duplicates in an ordered array.

(b) Write a ‘C’ program to sort the given array using quick sort.


First Question is Compulsory
Answer any four from the remaining
Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 100

1. Answer the following:
a) What is an algorithm?
b) Write any two data types in C with examples.
b) How are logical operators written in C?
c) What are bit wise operators in C?
d) Give an example to illustrate the concept of structures in C.
e) What is hash searching?
f) How do you declare an array of 10 pointers pointing to integers?

2. a) Write an algorithm for swapping two elements without using an extra temporary variable.
b) Write a C program to convert a given decimal number to binary.

3. a) What are the control structures in C? Give a n example each.
b) Write a C program to sort a set of n elements using bubble sort.

4. a) Declare a 12-element array of pointers to functions. Each function will accept two pointers to double-precision quantities as arguments and will return a pointer to a double-precision quantity.
b) Write a program to find the transpose of a given n x n matrix A. The matrix A should be declared using pointers. Your program should store the resultant in A only. No additional matrix be used.

5. a) Write a C Program to find the Kth smallest element of a given array.
b) Explain how your program works for finding the 4th smallest element of the following data: 11, 2, 9, 4, 2, 7, 3, 3, 11, 8, 14, 6.

6. a)What are command line arguments? Explain.
b) Write a program that reads a line of text from a data file character by character and displays the text on the screen.

7. a) Write a C program for hash searching using linear collision.
b) Illustrate the Program for the following data:
10, 12, 20, 23, 27, 30, 31, 39, 42, 44, 45, 49, 53, 57, 60.

8. a) Write a program for Towers of Honoi problem using recursion.
b) Write a program to count the number of vowels in a given string.

Note: please note that the following question papers from 2001 to 2004 old question papermodel. The question paper modal  has been changed form 2004.

2002 Problem Solving and Programming Using C

(Effective from the admitted batch of 2000-2001) 

Time: Three hours

Maximum: 75 marks 

Answer Question 1 and any four questions. 

Answer each question at one place.

All questions carry equal marks. 


(a) What is the Basic structure of a "C" program?

(b) Explain the process of compiling and running a "C" program with the help of a flow chart.

(c) Distinguish between Static memory allocation and Dynamic memory allocation.

(d) Write a short notes on time complexity of algorithms.

(e) Write a "C" program to find factorial of a given number. 


(a) Describe the various data types using in "C".

(b) Explain about operator precedence and Associatively with an example.

(c) Write a "C" program to find out a solution for given quadratic equation. 


(a) Explain the need for array variables.

(b) Write a "C" program to calculate the elements of the Pascal triangle for 10 rows and print the results?

(c) What are the various string-handling functions used in C. Explain in detail. 


(a) Explain the difference between "Call by reference" and "Call by value"?

(b) Using pointers to read in an array of integers and print the elements in the reverse order?

(c) Write a program that uses a function pointer as a function argument? 


(a) Distinguish between Structure and Union.

(b) Explain the meaning and purpose of the following: 

i. Template

ii. Tag

iii. sizeof

iv. struct 

(c) Write a program that reads a C program and prints in alphabetical order each group of that are identical in the first 10 characters but different some where there after. Don't count words with in strings and comments. Make 10 a parameter that can be set from the command line? 


(a) Write a program to copy the contents of one file into another?

(b) Explain the general format of "fseek" function?

(c) Distinguish between the following functions: 

i. printf and fprintf

ii. getc and getchar

iii. feof and fenor 

7. Write a short notes on the following:

a. DOS function calls

b. BIOS Calls

c. Dynamic memory allocation functions. 


a. Write about "switch" statement with examples.

b. Union and find algorithms for disjoint sets.

c. Collision resolution techniques in hashing.

2001 Problem Solving and Programming Using C 

(Effective from the admitted batch of 2000-2001) 

Time: Three hours 

Maximum: 75 marks 

Answer Question 1 and any four questions. 

Answer each question at one place. 

All questions carry equal marks. 


a. Discuss about Top-Down problem solving 

b. Describe briefly about various basic data types in C. 

c. What are pointers? What are their advantages. 

d. Distinguish between Stack and Queue. 

e. What is enum? What are its advantages? 


a. Write a program to determine and print the sum of series for a given value of n: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + .. + 1/n 

b. Write a program to find the GCD (m,n) 


a. Write a program to find the factorial of given number using recursion. 

b. Explain about the various control structures in C language 


a. Distinguish between the following: 

i. Global and Local variables 

ii. Global and External variables 

b. Write a program to count the number of characters, number of words, number of vowels in a given string. 


a. Write a program to implement the Stack. 

b. Discuss about the various string handling functions. 


a. Explain how Input/Output operations on files handled in C. 

b. Write a program to multiply a matrix 'p' of order 'm' with a matrix 'q' of order 'n'. 


a. What is sizeof operator? Explain how memory management is performed in C. 

b. Write a program to sort a given list of numbers in ascending order by Quick sort. 


Write short notes on the following: 

a. Break and continue 

b. Passing value between functions 

c. Error handling

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