Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks


(a) correct the following sentences.

i. Neither of the sisters are good at singing.

ii. He ordered for three cups of coffee.

iii. Look at the flock of bees around the hive.

iv. Of all the children, Suma is closer to her father.

(b) Write two sentences each making use of these patterns

i. Subject + Verb + Complement

ii. Subject + Verb + I.O + D.O

(c) Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms

i. Most snakes ________(lay) eggs, but the python ________(give) with to young


ii. Rajiv_______(have) two children, who _______(go) to an English medium


iii. Swetha______(has) played tennis for the last the two hours.

iv When the principal_____(go) into the classroom, he________(see) the teacher

correcting test papers. The students _______(study) for the next day’s test.


(a) Write about Non-Verbal communication.

(b) Bring out the differences between formal and informal ways of conversations.


(a) Write the Synonyms of the following.

i. Concise

ii. Benign

iii. Adamant

iv. Tedious

(b) Fill in the blanks with suitable words

i. Can you _________ how this electric pump works.

ii. Could you ____________ the child’s shoe laces please.

iii. They worry a lot __________ you.

iv The _________ in temperature will affect all life on the planet.

(c) Write a paragraph on “A stitch in times saves nine”.


(a) Discuss the features of video conferencing.

(b) What are the expected qualities of a chair person?


(a) Discuss the types of interviews.

(b) Give the ways to deal with open and loaded questions.


(a) Discuss the problem of stage fright. Suggest some measures to overcome it.

(b) Write down the advantages of written communication over oral communication.


(a) Write a letter to a Railway company, complaining that your furniture has been damaged

in transit, and claiming damages.

(b) What are the advantages of e correspondence?

VIII Write short notes on

(a) Types of Report.

(b) Components of Report


Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60

Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry EQUAL marks

I a) Correct the following sentences

i) The state of affairs were causing anxiety.

ii) I have an important work to do.

iii) I wish I was the king.

iv) The picture was hanged on the wall.

b) Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms

i) I ___________ (buy) a new bicycle last week.

ii) This paper _____________(appear) twice weekly.

iii) I __________(study) English for five years.

iv) I __________(see) Rahim at the zoo.

c) Make two sentences on each of the patterns

i) Subject + Verb + Direct Object

ii) Subject + Verb + That Clause

d) Explain the following idioms and phrases. Use in your own sentences.

i) To eat humble pie

ii) Look down

iii) Put out

iv) Turn a deaf ear to.

II a) What are the competencies required for Verbal Communication?

b) What are the elements of Non Verbal Communication?

III a) Explain the meaning of the roots:

i) Intra-

ii) Mega


iv) Poly

b) Give one word substitutes of the following

i) A Coin collector

ii) Belief in one God

iii) A beginner in an art or occupation

iv) Government in the hands of one ruler

c) Write the antonyms of the following

i) Benevolent

 ii)P Vulnerable

iii) Deny

iv) Safe

d) Fill in the blanks with suitable words

i) Modern science has made __________ advance.

a) incredible b) illegible c) legitimate d) objective          [ ]

ii) I saw a ________ of sheep in the field.

a) group b) fleet c) flock d) herd                                  [ ]

iii) A _______ man will never stoop to meanness.

a) sensible b) bad c) cunning d)insane                          [ ]

iv) Many classes of animals have become ________ because of rapid


a) Dead b) unavailable c) extinct d) lost.                      [ ]


a) What are the forms of oral presentation?

b) Bring out the differences between oral and written presentation


a) Write some of the pre-interview preparation techniques

b) Discuss the type of interview questions


a) Discuss the features of effective writing skills

b) Write a paragraph on watching television does more harm than good to viewers


a) Write a letter to the manager of the bank where you hold an account, asking for a

statement of accounts for the last three months?

b) Discuss the advantages of e-correspondence?

VIII Write short notes on:

i) Technical Report Writing

 ii) Synopsis


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