Digital logic gates, latches,memories,and the other components are used to design computer systems and their sub systems,which includes the central processing unit or microprocessors. A good Under standing of these basics of digital logic gates is necessary in order to learn the fundamentals of computer design. This gates also used to developed the memory units and the combination of different gates forms processing units.
1)AND gate:
This gate generally have two inputs and one out put. we denotes (1) as power on (0) as power off(0). In this gates if both inputs are on then only output is on other wise it is off.
2)OR gate:
This gate have two inputs and one output. For this gates at least one input must be on to get out put as on(1). Remaining all are 0.
3)NOT gate(Inverter):
This gate generally know as Inverter. This gates have only one input and one out put. For this gate if input is on(1) output is off(0). And vice versa.
Univercell gates:
The logic gates which are used in any circuit family that are sequential circuit, combinational circuits and integrated circuit and etc. are called as "univercell gates".
1)NAND gate:
This gate is complementary to AND gate. In this kinds of gate if both inputs are on(1) out put is off(0). And reaming all are off(0).
2)NOR gate:
This is the complementary gale of OR gate. For this gate if the both inputs are off(0) then the output is on(1).
3)XOR gate:
This is another impotent gate. For this gate if both inputs are on(1) or if both inputs are off(0) then the output is off(0). And the reaming cases the output is on(1).
4)XNOR gate:
This gate is complementary to XOR gate. For this gate if both inputs are on(1) or if both inputs are off(0) then the out put is on(1). Other wise off(0)
Good work buddy.