2008 Andhra University M.C.A computer organisation Question paper
(Effective from the admitted batch of 200 7-2008)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
First question is compulsory
Answer any. FOUR from the remaining
All questions carry equal marks.
Answer all parts of any question at one place.
Answer the following
(a) Define the terms Computer Organization and Computer Architecture.
(b) Draw the block diagram of a digital computer.
(c). Define a logic gate and specify some logic gates.
(d) Is there any similarity between invert AND and invert OR? Justify with an example
(e)’ define a flip-flop.
(f) Write any four basic identifiers of Boolean Algebra.
(g) What is meant by a full-adder?
2. (A) florae Betty about tat instructions for catarrh •icy.
(b) Write about Register Memory and Memory-Memory. E
3, (a) Explain the list, registers for the basic computer and their purpose.
(b) Describe the mechanism of an instruction fetching, decoding and executing using flowchart.
4. (a) Write about Bus and Memory transfers
(b) Describe about Arithmetic logic shift unit.
5. (a) Describe about integer point representation and floating point representation.
(b) Explain the functions of 1/0 interface.
6. (a) Describe hardware Implementation or Single Magnitude Data.
(b) Describe about Decimal Arithmetic Operations.
7)(a) What is virtual memory? Explain.
\)) Discuss about Addressing relationships...
Between main memory and cache memo.
8/ (a) What is an Input-Output Interface, I/O BUS?
And interface module? Explain.
(b) What is the role of a DMA Controler? Explain.
2007 Andhra University M.C.A computer organisation Question paper
First Question is Compulsory
Answer any four from the remaining
Answer all parts of any Question at one place.
Time: 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
1. (a) What is the difference between Combinational Logic and Sequential Logic?
(b) What is the t ype of control unit in 8085 Microprocessor?
(c) What is the data transfer rate of PCI bus?
(d) Distinguish between microinstruction and nanoinstruction
(e) What is IEEE 754?
(f) What is the difference between real memory and virtual memory?
(g) What do you understand by internal interrupt?
2. (a) Verify whether the expression given below is valid using algebraic method only. ab' + bc' + ca' = a'b + b'c + c'a]
(b) Design a two bit comparator that compares two 2-bit values in whole, rather than one bit at a time. The circuit has inputs X1X0 and Y1Y0 , and outputs X > Y, X = Y, and X < Y
3. (a) Show the hardware including logic gates for the control function that implements the RTL statement xy1T0+T1+x1yT2 : A ? A+1
(b) Write 8085 assembly language program to calculate the Fibonacci value f(n), where f(0) = f(1) = 1 and f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for n > 1 Assume that n > 1 and the result will be less than 256
4. (a) Describe the mechanism of an instruction fetching, decoding and execution using flow chart?
(b) Describe the major hardware functional units of 8085 microprocessor with a neat complete functional block diagram.
5. (a) Show how nine bit micro operation field in a micro instruction can be divided into sub fields? Explain with an example.
(b) What are the functions performed by an I/O interface? Explain with an example.
6. (a) Compare and contrast isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O.
(b) Why does I/O interrupt make more efficient use of the CPU?
7. (a) Explain the need of the memory hierarchy?
(b) What is the associate memory and what kind of operation it is more suitable?
8. Write short notes on
(i) Signed Notation in Computer Arithmetic (ii) Instruction formats (iii) DMA (iv) VHDL
First Question is Compulsory
Answer any four from the remaining
Answer all parts of any Question at one place.
Time: 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
1. (a) What is the difference between Combinational Logic and Sequential Logic?
(b) What is the t ype of control unit in 8085 Microprocessor?
(c) What is the data transfer rate of PCI bus?
(d) Distinguish between microinstruction and nanoinstruction
(e) What is IEEE 754?
(f) What is the difference between real memory and virtual memory?
(g) What do you understand by internal interrupt?
2. (a) Verify whether the expression given below is valid using algebraic method only. ab' + bc' + ca' = a'b + b'c + c'a]
(b) Design a two bit comparator that compares two 2-bit values in whole, rather than one bit at a time. The circuit has inputs X1X0 and Y1Y0 , and outputs X > Y, X = Y, and X < Y
3. (a) Show the hardware including logic gates for the control function that implements the RTL statement xy1T0+T1+x1yT2 : A ← A+1
(b) Write 8085 assembly language program to calculate the Fibonacci value f(n), where f(0) = f(1) = 1 and f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) for n > 1 Assume that n > 1 and the result will be less than 256
4. (a) Describe the mechanism of an instruction fetching, decoding and execution using flow chart?
(b) Describe the major hardware functional units of 8085 microprocessor with a neat complete functional block diagram.
5. (a) Show how nine bit micro operation field in a micro instruction can be divided into sub fields? Explain with an example.
(b) What are the functions performed by an I/O interface? Explain with an example.
6. (a) Compare and contrast isolated I/O and memory mapped I/O.
(b) Why does I/O interrupt make more efficient use of the CPU?
7. (a) Explain the need of the memory hierarchy?
(b) What is the associate memory and what kind of operation it is more suitable?
8. Write short notes on
(i) Signed Notation in Computer Arithmetic (ii) Instruction formats (iii) DMA (iv) VHDL
Note: please note that the following question papers from 2001 to 2004 old question paper model. The question paper modal has been changed form 2004.
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 75 marks
Answer Question 1 and any four questions.
Answer each question at one place.
All questions carry equal marks.
a. Define the terms machine cycle, instruction cycle and micro-program?
b. What are the various schemes used for data transfer between Processor and Input and Output devices?
c. Explain with example floating point representations?
d. Explain about combinational and sequential circuits?
e. Write about shift registers and binary counters.
a. What is Cache memory? How replacement algorithms are useful to transfer data in Cache memory?
b. Compare CISC and RISC processors?
a. Compare interrupt I/O control with DMA I/O?
b. Write about DMA Transfer?
a. Compare and contrast characteristics features of different memories.
b. What are the advantages you got with virtual memory?
a. Compare the features of micro-programmed control unit with hard wired control unit.
b. Explain about control memory and address sequencing?
a. Discuss clearly the general register organization of a typical CPU?
b. What is an interrupt? How they are serviced by CPU?
a. Discuss various addressing modes in a computer with examples?
b. Evaluate X = (A+B) - (C+D) with different addressing modes?
8. Write short notes on the following:
a. Gates
b. Multiplexers
c. Various Complements
(Effective from the admitted batch of 2000-2001)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 75 marks
Answer Question 1 and any four questions.
Answer each question at one place.
All questions carry equal marks.
a. Draw the block diagram of clocked synchronous sequential circuit and draw its state diagram.
b. what is the difference between hardwired control and micro-programmed control?
c. What is meant by RPN?
d. Write any six characteristics of RISC
e. What is the difference between Bus Grant and Bus request? (5 x 3 = 15)
(a) Simplify the following expressions using Boolean algebra (8)
i. A + AB
ii. AB + AB'
iii. AB + A(CD+CD')
(b) Simplify the following expression in SOP and POS x'z' + y'z' + yz'+ xy (7)
a. Explain about fixed point representation with examples. (7)
b. Explain about various Registers with their functions. (8)
a. Explain the operation of control unit of basic computer with timing diagram. (7)
b. Explain about various memory reference instructions. (8)
a. Explain about Micro programmed Control Organization. (7)
b. What are the various address sequencing capabilities required in control memory and draw the relevant diagram for selection of address for control memory (8)
a. Explain in detail about stack organization. (7)
b. Explain about various addressing modes. (8)
a. Explain in detail about Asynchronous Data Transfer. (8)
b. Explain about Daisy-Chain priority interrupt. (7)
a. Explain about Associate Memory (7)
b. Explain about Associate Mapping. (8)
(Effective from the admitted batch of 2000-2001)
Time: Three hours
Maximum: 75 marks
Answer Question 1 and any four questions.
Answer each question at one place.
All questions carry equal marks.
a. Explain use of don’t care condition
b. Draw 2-4 line decoder with nand gate .give its truth table
c. Explain input-output instruction
d. Functions of ALU
e. Explain the difference between main memory and auxiliary memory
2. What is flip-flop? explain various types of flip-flop
3. Simplify the following Boolean function in SOP form by means of four variable map
a. Diagram of AND-OR gate
b. Nand gates F(A,B,C,D)=Σ(0,2,8,9,10,11,14,15)
4. Construct a 16 to 1 line multiplexer with two 8to1 line multiplexers and 2to1 line multiplexer.
Explain these operations with truth table
a. Explain fixed point data representation
b. Use of instruction codes
6. Design of control unit
a. Interrupt. Different types of interrupts
b. Characteristics of RISC
8. I/O interface
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