MCA 1.2.2 DATA STRUCTURES. (Model Paper)
First Question is Compulsory
Answer any four from the remaining
Answer all parts of any Question at one place.
Time: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 70
1. a) What is the difference in function between BALR and USING instructions?
b) Explain Allocation. c) Define Macro Instruction.
d) Differentiate in between pass and phase. e) Define Linkage Editor.
f) Define Compiler. g) Explain the importance of LESA.
g) Differentiate in between simple RELOCATABLE and complex
RELOCATABLE address constants.
i) Differentiate in between open subroutine and closed subroutine.
j) Explain the importance of RLD cards.
2. a) Explain the role of Base Register.
b) Explain the role of Index Register.
c) Differentiate in between USING and DROP PSEUDO op codes.
3. a) Give the design of single pass assembler.
b) Can we write an ALP without using USING OP CODE? How?
what are the limitations.
4 .a) Give the design of single pass macro processor.
b) Explain the design of macro processor which can handle macro definitions
within macros.
5. a) Give the design part of Assembler corresponding to LTORG pseudo op code.
b) Give the design of Assembler corresponding to Extended MNEUMONICS. c)
Will the following divide 10 by 2? Justify.
L3,=f’ 10’
ST3, 700
6. a) Give the design of absolute loader.
b) Explain about Direct Linking Loader.
7. a) Explain BSS loader.
b) At what point in time of each of the following loading schemes perform binding?
i. DLL, ii. BSS loader, iii. Dynamic binder.
iv. Dynamic linking loader, v. Overlay, vi. Editor
8. a) Explain Lexical Analysis in detail
b) Differentiate between TDP & BUP