Combinational circuits(Half Subtracter, Full Subtracter)

                               In Combinational circuits(Half adder, Full adder) post we have seen what are combinational circuits. In this post i am going to discuss about  other two combinational circuits. They are

1)Half subs-tractor

2)Full  subs-tractor

1)Half substractor :

                              It is a combinational circuit which  is used to subs-tract  two binary bits.   In this circuit we have two inputs and two outputs. Let us consider the inputs as x and y   and  the outputs are D and B. Where D refers to different and B refers to borrower.

Truth table:

X      Y        D           B

0      0         0           0
0      1         1           1
1      0         1           0
1      1         0           0


half substracter techaravind
2)Full subs-tractor:

               A full subs-tractor is a combinational circuit which is used for to subtract more than two binary bits. It is the combination o the half subs-tractors. It consists of more than two inputs and only two outputs.

Let us consider the inputs are x,y,z and the outputs are D,B.

Truth table:

X         Y         Z        D            B         
0       0000


full substracter techaravind

Combinational circuits(Half adder, Full adder)

Combinational circuits(Encoder,Decoder)

                   The Encoder and Decoder are different kind of combinational circuits which are used to convert binary information to decimal,octal and hexa decimal and vice-versa.


                A decoder is combinational circuit which is used for to convert n it binary information to 2n unique outputs. so that a decoder circuit is used  for to convert a binary information to decimal,octal and hexa decimal. a decoder circuit is a variable circuit called as nxm decoder.

               Let us consider 2x4 decoder circuits consists of inputs A0 and A1 some time along with Enable E.

The outputs are D0,D1,D2,D3,D4. The inputs are connected to 4  AND gates and derive  Unique outputs. If we have Enable it will come along with input line. This is used to start the process of decoder circuit. Weather is  Zero the inputs representing with xx called don't care conditions.

Diagram & truth table:

decoder techaravind


               An encoder is a combinational circuit which is used to convert 2n inputs to n outputs. so that it is reverse operation of a decoder. it converts the  decimal information to binary.

               In 8x3 encoder circuit consists 8 inputs called D0 to D7 and the outputs  A0,A1,A2 the all the inputs connected to a specified OR gate to representing the binary equavalent of a specifed decimal. The outputs are as follows.




Future Of Java


Computer's modern history is changed forever when it was introduced in 1995, Sun Java Micro systems in the world of James Gosling. Since then he returned and the most popular Java programming language was preferred by programmers around the world. To the various types of software and other Web applications are designed. 

Like most programming languages, it is constantly changing language in the last fifteen years has been tweaked a lot smoother, and improve efficiency. Although Java has different goals easy PHP, which is published in the same year can be compared. However, innovative website design is used for PHP, the Java, which is freely available to the general public as an open source language. 

Java programming language has many advantages, but more the fact that the Java virtual world is easy to understand for novice programmers is a dream come true may be more important. Writing Java development work can be described as polite, easy to create software applications critical to a user's computer, find your way in life improved. 

Refer to another point that Java is used on any platform without the intervention. Whether Windows or Linux, Java, you will give the same answer regardless of the operating system. All languages ??can claim such a novelty. 

In that time, a Pandora's box is opened wiki leaks, Java programming language as a priority to maintain the security has been put in place. When work in a safe environment for Java, so the virus can not attack the host system is used. 

Overview of Java is different from other languages. Not only is it reliable (the disappearance of a large number of initial errors made later), but it also supports multi-threaded programming, applications to software developers to help with many levels. Java language as a whole is very advanced: the units of code sections, which are present in a Java interpreter, known only economic, as expressed in necessary. The bottom line of the avant-grade language of its versatility, simplicity and total running without error. Since its inception, the Java web world in a variety of areas have a variety of software used. These languages ??have been huge leaps and trumpeter Java than many experts. 

Clearly, however, Java has come up, the simple reason that you can do with these languages ??to write. Spectrum and may explain the Java code in front of the tongue breathtaking potential for maturity is bright red.



First Question is Compulsory

Answer any four from the remaining

Answer all parts of any Question at one place.

Time: 3 Hrs.                                   Max. Marks: 70

1. Briefly answer the following questions:

a. Define `Abstract Data Type’ ? How are they used in program development?

b. Write the primitive operations of ADT queue.

c. Write the prefix and postfix equivalents to the infix expression A/B+C-D *(E+F).

d. Write the best, worst and average case time complexity estimates of Quick Sort


e. What is an Almost Complete Binary Tree? Write an application that makes use of it.

f. Write the applications of depth first traversal of a graph.

g. When does interpolation search performs better than binary search?

2. a. Assume that each element of an array ‘A’ stored in row-major order occupies four

bytes of memory . If ‘A’ is declared as: int a [10][20][5]. And the address of the

first element of ‘A’ is 2000, find the address of the array element A[5][12][4].

b. Write a C program to evaluate a given postfix expression using stack and explain it

with an example.

3. a. Write a recursive function in C to find the nth Fibonacci number.

b. Write a non – recursive function for the above problem.

c. Compare the efficiencies of the above two functions.

4. a. Compare and contrast the ADTs Queue and Priority Queue.

b. Write a C function to concatenate two singly linked circular list without traversing

either of them and explain it.

5. a. Discuss different ways of representing a binary tree and suggest an application for

each of the representations.

b. Explain how the threads are used to simplify the traversal of a binary tree.

6. a. Construct a binary search tree to accommodate the given list of integers.


b. Find the in order, preorder and post order sequence of nodes of the above tree.

Explain the process o f deletion of node ‘23’ from the above tree and draw the

resultant tree.

7. Write a C function to arrange the elements of an array in ascending order using

Radix sort algorithm and explain it with a suitable example.

8. a. Discuss the Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding the shortest paths from a source to all

other vertices in a directed graph. What is its time complexity.

Why CMS with PHP


Content is king in the online business. It plays an important role in earning money. It is true that all new services like search engines that you update your site daily with fresh content is needed. This habit is useful in the ranking of your website. Google has a duty to the best location for the new indexing to achieve quality and fresh ingredients to have. Every day new content on your website you have a system that need to inject without the help of experts or knowledge of HTML scripting languages ??work. Such a system on the market and as a content management system. 

Content management system helps you edit, delete, or change the contents without prior knowledge of scripting languages. To edit your content as you want and you can delete or modify your content according to your wishes. Website, e-commerce site or your personal blog content management system for any type of work, you can change the content of any kind, they are images of products or blog text content. 

The are made open source CMS market recently been a dominant presence, it is not the same as with some very positive opportunities easy to use, has a blog, but the full length of the sites you want to be as can be managed to. Content management systems and to allow for the development of websites for both a low-cost e-commerce platforms. 

There are many technologies in the market for content management systems. You Drupal, Joomla, MODx, WordPress, Magento, E-commerce, etc., X-cart or as proprietary technologies to open source ASP.NET. You use one of these techniques, you can manage your content on your site. You can right CMS professional developers to integrate with the technology. They outsource to a company because it only at affordable prices with talent can find developers for development. 

Add-ons with various plug-ins and integration with your CMS site, you can more functionality. CMS integration provides better protection for your site. CMS integration allows control of access rights. It is that today's business world is known, the competition is tough and for everyone so that your site should require CMS integration. You website is designed and should continue to delete compelling content in March. CMS integration as an effective tool you need for you to go in the race for brand awareness. 

You have to decide which technology is appropriate for your site.However, it depends on the type of technologies to choose for your website. For example, e-commerce website Magento the best option now a day as he comes with many useful functions. 

A Content Management (CMS) system to manage a collection of workflow processes in a collaborative environment. These methods can be manual or computer based. PHP Developer CMS Integration Services, CMS and CMS with customized solutions for the optimization of working hours.

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