Html Editer Online

In general html editors are the software applications which can be used to create html pages. But this is a special html editor because you don't need to download any software and installations. I used some of open source JavaScript code to create this editor. you can directly see the out put by entering html code in left side panel and see the output at right side by clicking preview button at the button. please make sure the your browser support JavaScript and you are not turned it off .

online html editer -techaravind

                   Html Code                                                              OutPut

© 2010, All Rights Reserved. HTML Editor by

How Submit Your Blog's Sitemap To BING, Yahoo, MSN, Ask

You can See How to submit the Sitemap to google in my previous posted.

Now i will tell you how to submit sitemaps other search engines like Yahoo,

MSN Live,Bingand

Copy and paste your sitemaps in a text file for example

Remember to replace the text in blue with your own blog's url.

Now in the address bar of your Internet browser (IE, Firefox, Opera etc.), paste these lines one by one and hit enter:

Submit Sitemap to Yahoo! :

Just Goto and Submit your site.

submit site map to yahoo,bing,msn,ask

Submit Sitemap to Windows Live:
submit site map to yahoo,bing,msn,ask

Submit Sitemap to

submit site map to yahoo,bing,msn,ask

Submit Sitemap to

submit site map to yahoo,bing,msn,ask

 Change the links in colour, with your own Sitemaps (and instead of atom.xml you may use rss.xml too.

How to Submit The site Map To Google

If you want to  get more traffic to your blog first thing you need to do is submit you sitemap to google. What will happen after you submitted to google is it will bring  huge amount of traffic to your blog or site. When some search for some topic if your site or blog has that toppic google will show your site or blog  in search result. Now, follow the steps and submit your site map to google.

google site map

1)Goto  the Google Webmaster 

2)Log in there and click on Add Site.

how to create site map for google

3)Now enter the site complete url then click on continue.

4)Now you will be taken to Dashbord Click on  Submit Sitemap.

5)In new Window Submit you site map  as atom.xml?redirect=false(or) rss.xml?redirect=false

submit site map

6)If you dont have  atom.xml or rss.xml  for your blog   Go to  my post to know how to create feeds for your site and you can create atom.xml or rss.xml there.

That's it, Now you can revisit your account after some days, and see a number of statistics provided by some of which are even better than Google analytics, as you can see the Google page rank information for your blog's different pages, given by Google itself.

If  you  want to submit your site maps to ask,bing,msn,yahoo click here .

Google Translation Widget

This widget lets your non-English speaking visitors to quickly translate your webpage in their native language with just a single click.

1)Signin into your blogger account.

2)Go to Design->page elements.

3)click on Add a Gadgets,

4)then a new popup window will be open then selecet HTML/Java Sctipte as shown in below

5)copy the following code in popup windiow

and give name to it.

<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>

function googleTranslateElementInit() {

new google.translate.TranslateElement({

pageLanguage: 'en'

}, 'google_translate_element');


</script><script src=""></script>

6)save changes.

7)Thats it. you got translation widget.

Earn Money From myLot

myLot is a growing community of individuals from around the world who enjoy sharing information, meeting new people, and helping each other out. Members of the community are rewarded for their valuable contributions through monthly earnings payouts. myLot will pay you every time you use myLot!

It is a very easy process. You have to just sign up and start discussions, post responses or comments to current discussions, or refer friends! A myLot account is all you need to get started. You will be able to view your earnings on a daily basis when you sign in.

They made this system to give everyone who uses the internet the ability to make money. The concept is too simple and straight forward - if you contribute to the myLot Community - whether it is by posting a new discussion, responding to a current discussion, commenting on a current discussion, or referring friends, you earn money.

All you need to do to start earning is sign up for a myLot account and become a user.

You will be get paid monthly with minimum account balance of $10 and carry forward of unpaid amounts. You have the option to increase your minimum payment to $25, $50 or $100. All payments will be in US dollars and made via PayPal or e-gold, depending on the country you reside in. All users will be required to have a valid PayPal or e-gold account.

You can increase your earning byUse myLot, post discussions, respond to discussions.Post quality content.Refer friends. For each person you send to myLot you will receive 25% of their earnings.

Earn Money By Putting a Text Links On Your Blog

There are several ways to earn mony from your blog. you can earn money by text links.

Yes ! It is true you can earn money by putting a Text Link Advertisement in the sidebar of your blog.

What you have to do.........?

For this just go to" > and then fill up the form given there and then Click "Submit Your Blog" button to submit your blog.

How Does it Work.........?

They will check out your blog a" and then make you an offer for a link, the size of which depends on your blogs popularity, page rank and age. If you accept the offer, they give you the code for the link, and you upload it to your page. As soon as they see the link is live, they make payment by either Paypal, or cheque.

Code Generater for static image

Suppose if you want to put your avatar (or) logo of your blog or site on your blog pages. If you dont want to change the postion of  the image not even you scrolling bown and up. For that you need to genetate some javascript code to put on your blog.  Just take the picture what ever you want to  put on your blog and upload  it to any free image hosting websites like  Picasa Web  which is by google. or  Photobucket  

Follow the following steps to generate your code.

code generator for static image in blogger blog

(1)Enter the full URL of the image you have just uploaded.

(2) Choose the position of the image

(3)Click on Click to Create code below button to get your code.

(4)Now go to your blogger accountClick  layout  > edit html 
And find < /head>

and past the code just below it

(5)Thats it enjoy.

Html Colour Generater

This is very simple flash based html color code generator.


Previously i have posted Html colour generator . Which will bring html color code for  which you want. This is  similar to that one but here i am clearly giving the color chart by which you can easily difference ate colors

With this dynamic HTML color codes chart you can get codes for basic colors.By clicking the color box you will get the code at the bottom box.


Click on any color to get it's HTML color code:

Selected color code is:

message received

Congratulation!Your message is received successfully.

Thank you a lot for taking time and writing to me. I will respond to your email as soon as possible. Have a nice day.

HTML Encoder

This page will convert HTML special characters into HTML entities. The encoded text can then be inserted into another HTML document or blog posting and the reserved characters (such as < and &) will show up normally.

Enter your text in the form field below. The encoded result will be displayed in the same field.

What is that mater with PHP


They are like many other developers of Web sites that you have wondered what all the hype about PHP and MySQL programming. It is a very important issue and the reason is that the entire lineup is going on behind the scenes of a web page. Most of it is that PHP can not see, but the coding is critical to the functioning of the Website or process works on site. Understanding how the process works and learn to write PHP can be fun and exciting. When you get to have searched for a way to have PHP online, the time has come.

PHP for beginners to learn is a new and educational institutions, what PHP is all about, and how to integrate this effective technique in your design capabilities. In this article we will learn some PHP and how you this amazing code. PHP beginners tutorial can open a way for you and help you find the information quickly and efficiently.

The code behind a website is what the amateur or a professional Web sites. Most amateur pages are still in most processes using JavaScript, the holes left in their treatment and how effective the dissemination of information. PHP backend code handles the functionality of your website for terms such as logins, forms, and many other functions that are controlled by programming scripts such as JavaScript or PHP. The important part of learning the code is your ability to use these tools and to modify them to work on your site that you need.

You might ask. "Why learn PHP" And the answer to this question is very simple online is there a ton of independent programmers, a code for you or your website, the problem could only create, you do not know these people and they do not know yet that you take care or ourselves for the future of your site. You could learn PHP for beginners and how it works, you can prevent your site to have a future security problems, as they change in a position to improve the processes and aspects, such as affecting the programs on your site.

If you learn PHP online, learn how to create code that can perform calculations, date of collection value and be able to analyze the various bits of data to develop, so that PHP is an essential and integral part of the site. While very similar to HTML, in a sense a code which, after completion or assembly, that several changes in many different web sites or pages with very simple changes in a timely manner. Around the area, can do CSS, to control content on a particular site allows the PHP code quickly and easily change content on a website or presentation. PHP can add a new level of customization and functionality to the HTML markup language, or other.

PHP beginners tutorial requires no special programs or tools to code, because a simple text editor to how to code with the design tool. There are several tools that tell you if the syntax is written off or can help, may be incentives for functions or values, but for most is a simple text editor, all you need to script a web applications.

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